A Brief Guide To Benefits of Export Screening Software
“Benefits? We thought it was a waste of money…” Don’t get surprised if you hear such assumptions from your friend-exporters. Be it small...
Denied Party Screening – Things You Didn’t Know About
“What if violations didn’t matter at all?” Absurd as it may sound, but a chunk of organizations believe it could happen. Well, recently a...
Anti Money Laundering Screening – Is It An Overcooked Procedure?
The questioning comes after a series of over-screening procedures were reported. As it is widely known that KYC is a part of AML or...
Know Your Counterpart – Getting The Basics Right from Start
Are you getting to know your trade partners right from the start? We are afraid that several companies still remain unfazed about the...
Why Overlooking the Watch List Screening Means a “Trouble”?
Screening of customers, suppliers and business partners against the restricted entities is typically performed to achieve a minimum of...
Know Your Customer – Is It Really Effective Or Just A Norm?
Finding out about the customer is still a problem in certain regions of the world. In the wake of unscrupulous incidents, such as...
How Automated Denied Party Screening Lets You Focus On Your Business
Have been going through something odd lately? That happens to every exporter who has a humongous task of dealing with foreign clients....
How Watch List Screening Have Become A Viable Process These Days
For some exporters, it may be still troublesome. Over the years, technology has transformed in an evolutionary manner. For example, a...
Know Your Customer – Are You Doing It Right?
The KYC isn’t a new thing these days. People come and go, but the queries remain the same regarding the credentials. If you are an...
Export Controls – Will The Compliance Software Make It or Break It?
This question lingers for a while. Meanwhile, people have been finding certain alternatives to ease their troubles. As a break from the...